Mist to Drink

Mist to Drink
Nancy Bevilaqua
Same sense I had a breath a logic music
stationary soul imbibing all the spirits in the field
just there beyond the crowing street the morning
motion where I have a mist to drink in for a minute
there is breath and I am almost sober very drunk
intoxicated in the stolen sky I wrestled to my level
just to space me make the distance go
invisible: gateless gate unwalled territory.
You have called me and I've been thinking: stretch
my skin a little more and let me linger just outside
before the birds hush right before the day begins
its shattering its glassy song arrests me.
I've been waiting on your voice a fallow Yes
and holding something I can dig with wand
and water comets falling into lake that no one's
ever seen but I can hear the heaving underneath:
its life its letting in of rain of all that light
and I can train myself to swim
never stand on shore again.
Nancy Bevilaqua
Nancy Bevilaqua has been published in West Branch, Prelude, Tupelo Quarterly, Whiskey Island, Juked, Up the Staircase Quarterly, Tinderbox Poetry, and other journals. In 2012 she published a memoir called Holding Breath: A Memoir of AIDS' Wildfire Days, and she has also published several volumes of poetry.
Photography by Philipp Pilz