I’ll Take that as a “Wait”

I’ll Take that as a “Wait”

Ill Take that as aWait”
Dave Busuttil

Dear friend
Are taking far too long
Do we get even a hint
To the number of centuries left of waiting
Did everything you could
To make it sound
As if you were just out to buy some milk
"I'll be gone so briefly,
I'll bet I'll be back
before you can count to..."
Am as impatient as for marriage
Get on with it already
Come Lord Jesus
Come quickly
No seriously
None of this
None of the perfect minutes
Nor hours
Nor days
Nor weeks
Nor months
Nor seasons
Give reason in them self
For me to want your delay
For none of the perfect moments
Are perfect without your presence
And I want perfection
More than any else
What if I meet you half way?
Would that hurry it any?

I’ll take that as a

Dave Busuttil
Poet & Playwright

Photography by Greet Van Hootegem