An Apple-Tree Carol

An Apple-Tree Carol
Marly Youmans
Who knew that all eternity
Swung by a thread
Like a glistening bauble
Lifted on high,
That riddling taciturnity
Of heaven-spread
Lights was not a hobble
And cloudy why,
That a deep-rooted apple tree
Could toss a head
Mobbed with stars, and nobble
The birds and sky,
Its mobile, magic mystery
—Unread, unsaid—
Like the firefly bauble
In ceaseless supply.
Marly Youmans
Poet & Novelist
The most recent book of poetry by Marly Youmans is The Book of the Red King (Montreal: Phoenicia Publishing, 2019.) Her brand new novel is Charis in the World of Wonders (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2020.) Find her on Twitter, Facebook, or
Photography by Ashley McKinney
Ekstasis Magazine