In the Blink of an Eye

In the Blink of an Eye

Hushed, the heavenly hosts ready stand,
On steeds of might mounted they sit
Of white so pure no star or bright sun
In the heavens or cosmos ever could
Match the brilliance they possess;
So too, their fine linen garments shone.
Full strength mustered, far beyond
That great one who unified the land of Albion,
More faithful and sure than Hon warriors of
Old, whose blades of steel marks never missed.
Prince of angel armies, Michael at the
Head of Heaven’s matchless hosts with
Gabriel, invincible in battle at his side stands,
Both awaiting their commands of war. Then
He, Holy, Beloved, One whom though slain
Death could not keep captive, for death He
Had conquered, rode forth to stand at
Heaven’s edge. Gates of golden glory move
Aside as though by silent voice to show forth
Man’s world whose time has come at last.
Behold! Final trumpets sound, piercing the
Air with clear call of victorious battle as King
Of Glory, Worthy Lamb of God forth rides
Into clear sky, mounted on most majestic
Beast as numberless armies of winged
Seraphim and Archangels, swords
Aflame, follow behind. Son of God,
Faithful, True, Righteous, has come to
Take His own; to rescue most loved elect
Chosen before time began. His eyes fierce
Flames of fire shining with brilliant light,
Crowned with crowns of the One True
King. Arrayed is He in Splendid light
Most precious and pure light, robes in
Saving blood dipped hang at His side.
Word of God is His name, just Judge
Of the nations by sharp sword coming forth
From His mouth as wrath of God shall
Descend on all who spurned the Living
King. Word of God has at last come.
King of Kings He is, Lord of Lord’s
In the clouds shining with brilliant beams
Of light that pierces the atmosphere, racing
Through the air, as arrows that fly true to
The target for which they are intended,
Landing softly on upturned faces of sacred
Saints, yet on those damned, targets of terror,
As mankind sees in the twinkling of their eye,
In one Glorious, aweful moment, their one
True Lord, whom they who have been
Waiting shall never be parted from again.

Photography by Elle Suko