2023 Spring Collection
The Spring Collection
April & May Essay Selections
Blake Randolph on Time, Typology & Laurus
Erin Hung on Cultish Secrecy and Science Fiction
Timothy Jones on Embodiment & Tangible Mystery
Leah Regester on Psychosis and the Everlasting River
April & May Poetry Selections
Douglas Wyatt Anderson | Proprioception
Jesse Keith Butler | Hermitโs Elegy
Ian Corcos | The Widower
Barbara Crooker | Winter Garden
Lesley-Anne Evans | current events
Cole Hartin | The Fly
Luke Harvey | Blind, Kind Of
Maura H. Harrison | Let God Become the Quiet in All Things
Beverly Hawkins | Treasure in Earthen Vessels
Ryan Helvoigt | Meet Me Under the Terebinth Tree
Maria Illich | Exit Stage Right
Carter Davis Johnson | Nefesh
Heather Kaufmann | The Oak Leaf
Sarah Klassen | Water
Marjorie Maddox | Among Wildflowers
Erica Mendel | Nightfall
Marda Messick | Euangelion
Eric A. Potter | Everything that Hath Breath
Sito Sasieta | To the Contracampana
Scott Schuleit | Before Descending
Michelle Shelfer | Timeless Share
Michael Stalcup | A Mystery
Bud Sturgeuess | Frank
Brian Volck | Not Us Alone
Naomi Pattison-Williams | Lover
Jessica Wills | Amputees