Ekstasis Magazine

Ekstasis Magazine

     It was in the middle of the first pandemic summer. The question on repeat in my brain was: can my words offer anything good amid this pain and chaos? I struggled (and still do) with how to quantify the “good” in my art. Amid my tangled

It was in the middle of the first pandemic summer. The question on repeat in my brain was: can my words offer anything good amid this pain and chaos? I struggled (and still do) with how to quantify the “good” in my art. Amid my tangled questioning, I discovered “Handkerchiefs Everywhere” by Abbey Sitterley in Ekstasis magazine. The essay was a reminder that Christ uses imperfect, fumbling art to woo others to himself. To me, Ekstasis is a curation and celebration of such art. It’s a regular encouragement to me to keep going, keep creating.

Ilana Reimer