Ekstasis Magazine

Easter Sunday 2022

Ekstasis Magazine
Easter Sunday 2022

Easter Sunday 2022
By Michael Bonikowsky

This time last year, you’ll recall
You and me in the mass grave;
Our bones with our moms’ and dads’
And theirs, and Eve’s and Adam’s.

This year we rose rejoicing 
With our rotten lungs made whole
This year we came up clapping with
Our skeleton hands restored.

Out of our long loneliness
This year we rose embracing
Hand in hand and side by each 
Not for lack of time or space

But just to feel your once-dead heart
Beating next to mine, and his
Next to yours, and hers next to
His next to hers next to His.

We rose, and go on rising,
Ringing round our risen Lord
We who were the dead and dying,
Who now cannot help but live.

Michael Bonikowsky
Poet & Personal Support Worker

Photography by Cal Agro