April into May

April into May

April into May

Sharon Jones

(for Luci Shaw)

The music of generosity is everywhere:
the earth is embroidered with notes
of kindness, multi-coloured, like jazz.
There are daisies dotted on the lawn,
and under the trees, bluebells and dandelions
shine, dancing in the light. The garden
is dizzy with variety: the hum and buzz
of creatures with intricate wings,
delicate as paper; choral madrigals
performed by the birds; apples in full
blossom, and the pale pink flourish
of the cherries. The scent of opened ground
where tiny seeds are sown; the promise
of summer, and the taste of blueberries.

Sharon Jones
Writer & Educator

Sharon is a writer and educator from Northern Ireland. Her work has been published in Transpositions, The Bangor Literary Journal, An Unexpected Journal, The Madrigal, The Round Tower Review, and The Irish Times. Sharonโ€™s poetry has featured on BBC Radio 4 in collaboration with New Irish Arts. https://www.newirisharts.com/ You can read more of her work in her blog Writing Home. https://writinghome.blog/author/perusalandscript/

Painting by Pierre-Auguste Renoir (French, 1841-1919)